
Unesco inclusive education pdf. It places children at the centre of www.

Inclusion is a process. Fostering equity and inclusion involves ensuring fair representation of students from diverse backgrounds in higher education, covering a spectrum of social, economic, ethnic, gender, physical and mental characteristics. Feb 11, 2021 · PDF | On Feb 11, 2021, Joacim Ramberg published UNESCO - Global Education Monitoring Report 2021: Inclusion and education: All means all. Principes directeurs pour l’inclusion : Assurer l’accès à « l’Education Pour Tous »Remerciements Lorsque l’UNESCO s’est mise en devoir d’aider les pays à rendre leurs plans nationaux d’éducation plus inclusifs, nous avons pris conscience du fait qu’il n’existait pas de principes directeurs pour les guider dans cet Mar 13, 2024 · Since the Salamanca Statement, efforts for inclusive education have continued. It is a human right for all throughout life. Current strategies and This document presents the updated UNESCO Strategy on Technological Innovation in Education (2022-2025), developed in follow-up to the recommendations of the 2019 Internal Oversight Service (IOS) Evaluation of UNESCO’s work in information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. Towards inclusive education for children with disabilities: a guideline Corporate author. To fulfil its mandate, UNESCO performs five principal functions: 1) prospective studies on education, science, culture and communication for tomorrow’s world; 2) the advancement, transfer and sharing of knowledge through research, training and teaching Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank: – to endorse the approach of inclusive schooling and to support the development of special needs education as an integral part of all education programmes. UNESCO 2023 • Global Education Monitoring Report, 2020: Inclusion and Education: All means all, UNESCO (Global Education Monitoring Report Team) 2020 - French: Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation, 2020: Inclusion et éducation: tous, sans exception, UNESCO (Équipe du Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation) 2020 Jun 23, 2020 · The 2020 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report urges countries to focus on those left behind as schools reopen so as to foster more resilient and equal societies. H E L E N P I N N O C K 2 0 2 0 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN NIGERIA: POLICY PROGRESS WEAKENED BY FINANCING This paper was commissioned by the Global Education Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2020 GEM Report, Inclusion and education. Readers should not, however, see this introductory guide as their only guide for understanding inclusive education. UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the This revised and updated strategy is a roadmap for UNESCO to promote comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and safe and inclusive learning environments, and place more emphasis on the role of schools and education systems in promoting health and well-being. Over time, there has been a broadening of the meaning of inclusive education to consider the needs of all learners, regardless of their characteristics or the groups to which they belong. Background paper Every learner matters and matters equally Making education inclusive This document was commissioned by UNESCO as background paper to the High-level policy dialogue to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Salamanca Statement, held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, 13 March 2024. Educators’ competences, knowledge and attitudes need to respond to all children’s needs. The price of inaction: the global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning. 3. This includes a demand for seven out of ten teachers at the secondary level and a need to replace over half of the existing teachers leaving the profession. Inclusión y equidad en la educación1. It places children at the centre of www. Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion a year. Términos clave La inclusión es un proceso que ayuda a superar los obstáculos que limitan la presencia, la participación y los logros de todos los y las estudiantes. While some countries are transitioning towards inclusion, segregation is still prevalent. l Orquestar el proceso de aprendizaje INDICADOR C. This brief discusses how gender equality impacts learners’ inclusion and the ways in which Feb 22, 2024 · The global report on teachers reveals an urgent need for 44 million primary and secondary teachers worldwide by 2030. In this sense, it is the means of ensuring that Education for All really does mean all. 1). ongitudinal walk gradient shall be 3 to 5% (30 mm - 50 mm in 1 meter). The 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report asks questions related to key policy solutions, obstacles to implementation, coordination mechanisms, financing channels and monitoring of inclusive education. -slope of walkways shall not be steeper than 1:40 (See Figure 4. Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information. First, inclusive education should be ‘seen as part of a wider attempt to create a more effective education system’ and thus provide high-quality education to all (IBE-UNESCO, 2008: 13). 9. 2. References and sources. Introduction and name. In an effort to create a desired child friendly learning environment, MoEST has developed a five-year National Inclusive Education Strategy; which presents the policy direction that MoEST and Inclusion in education by Renato Opertti, Carlos Bueno and Perrine Arsendeau Notas Temáticas nº1 Curriculum On The Move Inclusión e ción por Renato Opertti, Carlos Bueno y Perrine Arsendeau1 Notas Temáticas nº1 • Inclusión en educación • #CurriculumOnTheMove UNESCO OFICINA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN La discusión en torno a la inclusión en educación adquiere un renovado impulso programme and meeting document. Despite their differences in teacher standards and qualifications, education systems are increasingly moving away from identifying problems with learners and towards identifying barriers to programme and meeting document. A first draft of the Strategy was presented to the Jun 17, 2022 · Inclusion cannot be realized unless teachers are empowered agents of change, with values, knowledge and attitudes that permit every student to succeed. Embracing diversity: toolkit for creating inclusive, learning-friendly A E M I R O T A D E S S E M E R G I A 2 0 2 0 The practice of inclusive education in Ethiopia This paper was commissioned by the Global Education Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2020 GEM Report, Inclusion and education. skills deserve to be considered as one of the key educational outcomes. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. 1 (a) This policy is formulated under Article 8 (d) of Act No. Digital Library. Access to education; Availability of final grades; Budget allocation and financial incentives; Classroom observation; Classroom practices; Curriculum retention; Days of instruction (single shift) Drop-out/Push-out; Educational administration and school management; Educational demand; Equitable and inclusive policies and legislation; Equity and Inclusive teaching requires teachers to recognize the experiences and abilities of every student, embrace the idea that each student’s learning capacity is open ended, and be open to diversity. It looks at the ways in which cities and urbanization affect education, and how education and learning affect urban possibilities and challenges. May 11, 2023 · An inclusive approach to education means that each individual’s needs are taken into account and that all learners participate and achieve together. Inclusive Education (IE), or the education of children with a diverse www. Cali commitment to equity and inclusion in education 1. Welcoming diversity in the learning environment: teachers' handbook for inclusive Oct 31, 2023 · Strategies to include disadvantaged students. This is a humanist vision of education as an essential common good. Defining equitable education requires a distinction between ‘equal. Progressively increase budgetary allocations for disability-inclusive education towards being at least 5% of education budgets. A comparative Teacher Education for Inclusion project identified four core values and associated competence areas (Table 1). Introduction 1 II. Built around the idea that “every learner matters and matters equally”, this guide Find out how UNESCO promotes inclusive education for all learners and removes barriers to education. Addressing Exclusion in Education A Guide to Assessing Education Systems Towards More Inclusive and Just SocietiesProgramme Document ED/BLS/BAS/2012/PI/1 Paris, June 2012 Original: EnglishAddressing Exclusion in Education A Guide to Assessing Education Systems Towards More Inclusive and Just SocietiesContents I. UNESCO wishes to thank Dr Phyllis Magrab for the text of this booklet and Ms Karen Dust for the editorial work. 24/2020 (Education Act) of the Ministry of Education, to ensure the rights of all students to education, to provide equal and equitable opportunities for all categories of students with complex learning profiles in pre-schools, primary schools, and secondary Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger – reduce by half the population living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger. To truly meet the learning needs of all learners, an intentional effort to include children and youth with disabilities is needed. It acknowledges that all children can learn and that every child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs. It must be about cultural literacy, on the basis of respect and equal dignity, helping to weave together the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. This is one of the five areas of action in the UNESCO’s landmark 2019 Recommendation on OER. Goal 3:Promote gender equality and empower women – eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education. and equity in education. Although 60% of countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean have a definition of inclusive education, only 64% of those definitions cover multiple marginalized groups. Estas orientaciones fueron un primer paso para fomentar el diálogo sobre la calidad de la oferta . Publication. Education is a complex system with many interconnected subsystems and stakeholders. This paper is intended to systematize how excluded children are planned for in edu- cation. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are The Ministers of Education of almost 100 countries attending the round-table on Education and Economic Development, held in Paris on 19 and 20 October 2007 on the occasion of the thirty-fourth session of the General Conference of UNESCO, reaffirmed their commitment to quality education as a right for everyone, an education that is inclusive,4 Informe de Seguimiento de la EPT en el Mundo, París, UNESCO, 2008. Indeed, the availability and accessibility of AT devices and services can impact their adoption and use. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to Equitable access is a precondition for inclusion. CC BY-SA 3. We commit with a sense of urgency to a single, renewed education agenda that is holistic, ambitious and aspirational, leaving no one behind. 8 Policy guidelines on inclusion in education I. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization At a glance Inclusive education is about putting the right to education into action by reaching out to all learners, respecting their diverse needs, abilities and characteristics and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the learning environment. Equality is a state of affairs (what): a result that can be observed in inpu. Jul 29, 2022 · Foster equity and inclusion throughout all educational policies. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Recognising the power of inclusive education to transform education, we call on everyone to show that the 240 million children with disabilities matter and commit, by 2030, to: 1. 2003. ED/BIE/CONFINTED 48/3 - Page 6 foundation for a more just society. Towards future-ready education systems. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum. To the extent possible, it examines these questions in view of change over time. The term e-inclusion relates to the use of digital technologies to support and scaffold learning to maximise the learning experiences of all learners (Pellerin, 2013). Early identification of needs is a necessary investment. Inclusive education, UNESCO, Theoretical interrelation Paris, UNESCO. ty’ and ‘equity’. Rethinking the future of education is all the more important following the Covid-19 Figure 4. Today’s global education targets aim to meet the learning needs of children, youth and adults. Dec 9, 2021 · The policy, which was welcomed by Tawfik Jelassi, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information as the first of its kind in national-level public policy setting, focuses on developing inclusive and equitable quality OER. (6) In some contexts, ICT has also become integral The Incheon Education 2030 Declaration and Framework for Action (UNESCO, 2015a:6) ‘… recognise(d) with great concern that we are far from having reached education for all’ and set out a ‘new vision for education’ and corresponding implementation strategy, targets and monitoring schedules to achieve inclusive and equitable education. Head teachers should be prepared to implement and communicate an inclusive school ethos. A “learning‑friendly” environment is “child‑friendly” and “teacher‑friendly. E-inclusion is aligned with the principles of universal design (UDL), a framework for inclusive education, which is presented in the following section. . The UDL approach to inclusive education includes the following principles: 1) provide multiple means of representation, 2) provide multiple means of action and expression, and 3) provide multiple means of engagement (Nationa. Collect data on and for inclusion with attention and respect: avoid stigmatizing labelling. Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. We, Ministers, heads and members of delegations, heads of agencies and officials of multilateral and bilateral organizations, and representatives of civil society, the teaching profession, youth and the private sector, have gathered in May 2015 at the invitation The paper is based on the inclusive education profile (long and short versions) commissioned by the Global Education Monitoring report that covered Indian inclusive education policies at the national level and 10 of India’s largest and most populous states. PLACE: inclusive and sustainable cities, a publication taken from the full 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report, explores education’s role in urbanization and city life. Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education. A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 identifies inclusion and equity as key principles for education systems. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the statistical office of UNESCO and is the UN depository for global statistics in the fields of education, science, technology and innovation, culture and communication. Education, essential to achieving all of these goals, has its own dedicated Goal 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Browse various resources and briefs on topics such as disabilities, gender, technology, and more. Building inclusive systems should be part of a comprehensive reform of the education system ses of all le. Despite using the term “Inclusive Education”, no clear definition has been provided for it in these documents. It begins with a brief introduction, which Washington DC, World Bank Group. Educación 2030: Declaración de Incheon y Marco de Acción para la realización del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4: Garantizar une aducación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger – reduce by half the population living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger. UNESCO and the Education 2030 Agenda Global education challenges 69m 758m US$39bn new teachers are needed worldwide to reach the 2030 education goals adults (15% of adults) lack any literacy skills; two-thirds of whom are women is needed in aid, a six-fold increase, to fill the annual education finance gap 1432_UNESCO_EdSect_170x240_Bro_Insides A E M I R O T A D E S S E M E R G I A 2 0 2 0 The practice of inclusive education in Ethiopia This paper was commissioned by the Global Education Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2020 GEM Report, Inclusion and education. We, the participants of the International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education held in Cali, Colombia 11-13 September, 2019, including young people, government officials, educators, civil society, and multilateral organizations representatives, reaffirm our commitment to the A world where inclusion and gender equality in and through education is achieved allows girls and boys, women and men and non-binary people to have equal rights and opportunities to education and the power and agency to shape their lives and futures. unesco. Supporting sector-wide planning, policies and reforms 34 2. 34 One of the primary challenges is limited access to technology. inclusive practices. The latter included the states of TN, Karnataka, AP, MP, Gujarat, UP, Bihar, West This document provides guidelines and concepts for rendering National Education Plans / Education for All (EFA) more inclusive, with the objective of ensuring access and quality education for ALL learn- ers. Press release. the diverse needs of all learners by reducing barriers to, and within the learning environment. It was established to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. Digital Library UNESCO Digital Library. Inclusive education is the process of reinforcing the capacity of education systems to welcome and reach out to all learners (UNESCO, 2017: 7). ”. ’ The Education 2030 Framework for Action provides a guideline for implementing this ambitious plan. Built around the idea that “every learner matters and matters equally”, this guide highlights the vital role of inclusive and equitable education in transforming education systems worldwide. org . There are five advocacy guides addressing different topics, as follows: n Advocacy Guide 1: Introduction – This introductory guide begins by providing a brief introduction to inclusive education. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are 2019. More specifically, it is ‘a process that involves the transformation of schools and other centres of learning so as to cater for all children – including boys and girls, students from ethnic minorities, those affected by HIV and AIDS, and those However, while SDG4 envisions inclusive education as a broad concept, inclusive education has, historically, been associated with notions of disability and, often, conceptualized as education for children with disabilities. Inclusión y equidad en la educación 12 13 Guía para asegurar la inclusión y la equidad en la educación Cuadro 1. The Toolkit is developed to provide assistance in this direction. The Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 and specifically Goal 4 recognizes the urgent need to provide equitable and inclusive quality education for all learners from the early years through compulsory schooling, technical and vocational education and training, higher education and lifelong learning. Since its founding in 1945, in the aftermath of World War II, UNESCO’s education programme has evolved to match new global Inclusive approaches should not be treated as a specialist topic but as a core element of teacher education. The cro. Set a medium to long-term target to Five things to know about Inclusive Education. Inclusive education is a process contributing to achievement of the g. It stresses the importance of students and teachers learning together as a learning community. 9 789231 005282. 0 IGO. out disabilities, with diverse socio-economic and The concept of inclusive education was initially used to describe the physical and learning adaptations needed to fully include children with disabilities. As a result, any definition of inclusive education has to recognize the importance of CPS among students with and w. Part I explains the relevance of inclusive education in today’s context and describes how inclusion is linked to Education for All. UNESCO's programmes directly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. fr es ru ar zh. This Brief, Inclusion in early childhood care and education, was written by Yoshie Kaga (UNESCO Dakar) and Dragana Sretenov (former Senior Team Manager on behalf of the Early Childhood Program of the Open Teachers learn new things from the students as well. By identifying the lessons learned, remaining gaps, and next steps, this resource intends to help governments strengthen their capacity to plan for inclusive education Jan 1, 2016 · Inclusive Education ( IE) is defined as a process of addressing. Audio is not supported in your browser. Curricula need to respond to all children’s needs. programme and meeting document. UNESDOC. 37 OBSERVACIONES FINALES: EL CAMINO HACIA EL FUTURO Las Orientaciones para la Inclusión de la UNESCO15 fueron elaboradas originalmente en 2004. It has not been edited by the team. Special focus is placed on learners who may be at risk of Although IE is mentioned in the provincial education sector plans of Punjab (2013-2017) and Sindh (2014- 2018), it is mentioned with respect to children with disabilities and a shift from ‘special’ to inclusive schools. 1. Open File on Inclusive Education Support Materials for Managers and AdministratorsThis booklet is based on the UNESCO Open File on Inclusive Education, a comprehensive guide to development in this area. Overtime, it has been realized that inclusive education is important for both learners with and without special educational needs. When walks exceed 60meters in length, it is recommended a rest area is provided adja. Education policies and strategies. The social case: It contributes to more inclusive societies The economic case: icts in education for people with special needs united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization unesco institute for information technologies in education all be 1200mm and a moderate two way trafic shall be 1650mm - 1800mm. Jan 1, 2014 · UNESCO Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education (UNESCO, 2009), throw a broader spotlight on these i s- sues. UNESCO is United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This report, based on a global mapping of textbooks Education must be about learning to live on a planet under pressure. UNESCO’s Education Sector provides global and regional leadership to ensure every child, youth and adult has access to quality education throughout life while keeping two priorities, Africa and gender, in focus. 17 June 2024. O 86 índice de Inclusión / Desarrollando el aprendizaje y la participación en las escuelasDimensiones, indicadores y preguntas Dimensión Desarrollar PRACTICAS inclusivas C. As a result, it is imperative for each country to establish tailored frameworks Sep 1, 2020 · Advocates for inclusive education has indicated that the participation of children with disabilities in regular schools would enable them to co-exist with their typically developing peers as well Sep 1, 2018 · PDF | The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults. 3 Structure This document is divided into two parts. May 4, 2007 · Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion a year. 2 0 2 0 • G LO BA L E D U C AT I O N M O N I TO R I N G R E P O RT vii We are grateful Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Education 2030 Incheon D eclaration and Fram ew ork for Action 1380_FfA_Cover_8a. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION Reaching Out tO all leaRneRs: a Resource Pack for Supporting Inclusive Education Training Tools for Curriculum DevelopmentINTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION Reaching Out tO all leaRneRs: a Resource Pack for Supporting Inclusive Education Training Tools for Curriculum Development4 The information provided in the material and case studies does not necessarily A guide for supporting inclusion and equity in education, published by UNESCO International Bureau of Education in December 2021. Tweet In the case of students with disabilities, laws in 25% of countries (but over 40% in Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean) make provisions for education in separate settings, 10% for integration and 17% for inclusion, the remainder opting for Access to education; Availability of final grades; Drop-out/Push-out; Educational administration and school management; Equitable and inclusive policies and legislation; Equity and inclusion; Grade repetition; Insclusive student assessment systems; Resource allocation; School completion; School location; Teacher supply, School supply; Teacher 2006. Any decision taken on one component at one level of education brings change to other components and subsystems. VE EDUCATION BY ENHANCING COLLABORATIVE SKILLSGabriel BădescuABSTRACTCollaboration problem solving (CPS. Sub-Saharan Africa is especially affected, with an estimated need for Widen the understanding of inclusive education: It should include all learners, regardless of identity, background or ability. This interconnectedness requires policy and decision-makers to ensure that What does inclusive education involve? Inclusive education involves transforming the whole education system - legislation and policy, systems for financing, administration, design, delivery and monitoring of education, and the way schools are organized. Common technology challenges in disability-inclusive education for Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam. )ED/BIE/CONFINTED 48/3 – Pág. It covers the concept, policy, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of inclusive education, with case studies and resources. To rise to the challenges of our time, a move towards more inclusive education is imperative. indd 1-3 30/08/2016 10:39ED-2016/WS/283 Education 2030 Incheon Declaration Towards inclusive and equitable The unfinished EFA agenda 17 CHAPTER 2 – TOWARDS A NEW EDUCATION AGENDA AFTER 2015 23 CHAPTER 3 – UNESCO’S STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2014–2021 29 Strategic objective 1 Developing education systems to foster quality and inclusive lifelong learning for all 33 1. The history of school educ ation for students wi th PIMD is a relatively s hort one Year of publication. This new vision is fully captured by the proposed SDG 4 'Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote Mar 28, 2024 · 9 July 2024. org. al of social inclusion. Recognize UNESCO’s leading role with regard to inclusive education through: • Promoting the exchange and dissemination of best practices; • Providing, upon request, advice to countries on how they can develop and implement policies on inclusive education; • Encouraging South­South and North­South­South cooperation for the promotion Analyse d’une politique d’inclusion et d’équité 18 19 Un guide pour assurer l’inclusion et l’équité dans l’éducation 1. It. Inclusion in early childhood education is but a subset of social inclusion. role of education as a main driver of development and in achieving the other proposed SDGs. means attending the age These crucial aspects of inclusive education, detailed in the UNESCO report “Making Textbook Content inclusive: A focus on religion, gender, and culture” (UNESCO, 2017a), serve as the guiding principles for the following report on curricula and school textbooks for civics/social studies. The UIS is the official source of internationally comparable data used to monitor progress towards the Sustainable This report aims to highlight the key findings and positive outcomes from IIEP’s research and round table events, co-organized with UNICEF, while pointing to the challenges and bottlenecks that can create barriers to progress. 2020. Going beyond the Salamanca Statement (UNESCO, 1994), this paper tries to conceptualize inclusive education from a broader ncept of special needs. As such, it starts from the belief that education is a basic human right and the 1 UNESCO, Open File on Inclusive Education, Paris, UNESCO, 2001. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 identifies inclusion and equity as key principles for education systems. 3 El desarrollo de las clases contribuye a una mayor comprensión de la diferencia. International Conference on Education, 48th session, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-28 November 2008: Inclusive education: the way of the future: final report The Briefs are a follow-up to the UNESCO International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education held in Cali, Colombia in September 2019. 2 Le programme national et ses systèmes d’évaluation sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins de tous les apprenants Le programme est le principal moyen d’intégrer les principes d’inclusion et d Particular thanks go to the Foundation to Promote Open Society, the Inclusive Education Special Interest Group of the Comparative and International Education Society, the German Commission for UNESCO and the UK Forum for International Education and Training. A diverse education workforce also supports inclusion. Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women – eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education. Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all ED/WEF2015/MD/3 Original: English1 1. rners, both those with and withoutdisabilities. ba ge wd mt ar wt uh aj sj oq