
I treated my husband badly and he left reddit. TL;DR: I treated my bf shittily for 2-and-a-half years.

I begged him to stay, but he just ignored me and I cried myself to sleep. You need to consciously push yourself to break away. I want our life back. Reply reply. My guess is he was waiting it out. and maybe i just think he treated me well because on weekends he would come and take me out to anywhere i wanted to go. drthrowaway054. Nowhere does she say that husband mooches off of her. My husband told her that it was a special gift to give to her sister. If he has moved on too quickly that is not your problem now. OOP posts “I wanted to hurt her” and messages the abusive Husband of the AP. Not the A-hole. Spouse [35/m] and I [31/F] have been together for 10 years. One is aggression, the other is reflexive avoidance. i know he left and didn't help pay for anything for a while. TL;DR: Parent's treated me badly throughout middle school [lots of yelling, tears, a few physical encounters, and just overall disrespecting or sometimes making fun of my feelings] and now they're treating me pretty decently with little moments, and I don't know how to feel about it, because at this point my minds been telling me to move on It has worked well for me in my life. I've always known our son was different, I thought my husband knew too because he and our son were really close, most of my friends have told me that their children become a little bit distant when they hit puberty, but not our son, just a few weeks ago they were playing basketball and playing chess basically every day and talking with each other nonstop. When we got home, he put the kids to bed and I tried to initiate sex, and we did, but as soon as it was over, he got up and left. Also, you’re focusing on what ‘you have built’. countrytime-1. English is not my native language . I always knew she has issues and so I mended her till she recovered and after 3 years of dating, she finally ended it with me, she blindsided me and left me for another guy this month on the beginning of February. My husband left me after I told his mistress’s husband about their affair. Infidelity. I have been with my girlfriend for roughly 1. We have 3 kids, and our eldest is gay. Focus on the type of man you feel you deserve in your life. He is attentive, caring, loving, flirtatious and we have a great sex life. We are a welcoming subreddit and support the rights of all genders. r/AskWomen. My ex-husband cheated on me and left me for her. I wrote 3 lists: All the cons of being with him and every bad thing he ever did or said to me A list of all the qualities I require in a partner (kind, loving etc. People were fine with him leaving me, as long as he was still there for the kids. Just to get this off my chest. he would move back in, they would try, and then he was out. He was fucked over constantly and that just broke my heart. I remember before and even shortly after we got married I really used to like his company and look forward to it. By all accounts, they were happy for a short time, a very short time. If my husband makes a mistake then be is just a dad. Claire is cold when she first comes back to frank pushing him away, he bought a house and treated her as a queen raises a child not his and had to know that every time she looked at Brianna that she thought of Jamie. She did continue her career but had to rely on people to drive her People keep saying time heals all wounds, and I just need to give myself time. My ex-husband was the same way. She had a career and in her 30's, something bad happened and it left her disabled. He has been blowing my phone up asking me to come back and yesterday he told me that their mother disappeared again and they’ve been calling me crying and apologizing. I'm recently divorced (6 months), been separated for 18 months and I am really missing my ex-husband immensely. ) I vibe with those people, most likely BECAUSE of my bpd. What does matter though is your happiness. You have planted the seed of infidelity and he will never believe you didn't carry out your threat. He was at home twiddling his thumbs for long 7 months while his wife was out getting some stranger danger =-p Sounds like a "need to open the relationship or I'm gone" type deal. Apr 11, 2022 · TL;DR: I treated my bf shittily for 2-and-a-half years. I spent two weeks in the hospital. You seem to be projecting some things onto the husband with no basis Apr 11, 2022 · TL;DR: I treated my bf shittily for 2-and-a-half years. Ex-husband cheated. I have divided the money and transferred my share to a third account and it will stay there until the divorce proceedings and the dividing of the assets. My husband is a teacher which means he has off summers. Idk if this is the right place to vent but here I go. At this point I can't wait until he leaves Cary was treated so badly. You do this by not looking back and focusing on what he is or is not doing. We were together for 5. Nov 17, 2023 · When someone treats you poorly in a relationship, it can be hurtful and distressing. Strongly considering leaving my spouse who suffers from depression. I have secured an apartment for my baby and me and I have put everything in order and prepared for custody. So if you didn't understand some thing ask me . When I'm nice to her she gets comfortable, really lazy, and puts no effort in being a decent girlfriend; but she still want's to stay with me. Even when he started hooking up with another girl, a really nice, gorgeous girl who he could have had a great relationship with, he would still pine over me and leave me drunk messages declaring his love. My husband was married before we met. My girlfriend is just like you, and I helped recover her up fully. Now I have won my husband back, I am leaving him. Calls her husband a violent PoS and says she’ll try for full custody after he stops AP’s husband from murdering his AP and her teenage child. Many things have happened since then. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. Maybe I said things We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. . OOP must know AP was in a family obliteration scenario. I 34F have recently ran into a situation with my husband 37M and am curious about if I am the AH here or not. Throwaway given my job. 5 years, married for 1. To my stepdaughter I am dad's wife. His best friend was there and she started yelling at me. I don’t want to do this anymore… I don’t feel like I’m part of their family and they can’t Just cry and come back now that she disappeared. Nothing I said or did made my husband believe me. He was upset cause he had to get up early in the morning for work. It's expected and if I don't do it perfectly then I am a bad mom. TLDR: husband suffers from mental health issues and it has affected our relationship so much I want to leave him. Ours was a arranged marriage (arrange marriages are common in It could be a multitude of things. Look within yourself to truly see why you still want a person that hurt you, uses you, and does not want a future with you. I’m currently living like my husband does. It doesn't even feel like we're married. It means they are disregarding your feelings, needs, and well-being. I told my husband that I For those wondering why my husband has the sudden change, I did reply to one commenter shortly after posting about my husband's terrible childhood and he thought the toddler years would be difficult for him to process. He didn't leave for another woman. But if I'm not welcome then I can't. This guy sounds totally crazy, I know you have been threatened by him but do you really think he would want to go to jail for you? You should move back home and call the police, get an injunction tell people around you what's going on, at the moment it seems so intense but it will pass and she and her father will move on, it sounds like he's pretty bad to you when you are with her, but you We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was really tired and out of breath all the time. I need help. Last bit of advice, my ex also said he was leaving the kids, at first. But we seem to be stuck with a huge wall between us now. For that, you both have to agree to individual and couples counseling. See full list on marriage. Teachers in the United States are treated quite badly and with disrespect by administrators and legislators. During that time, I got a breast reduction. So me and my husband have been tother for 8 years, married for 7. I consider what we did to our first dog borderline abusive but it was the early ‘70’s. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. The teachers don't do themselves any favors. I told her she can't treat me badly, keep me out of her kids lives and expect them to benefit from me being their aunt. People act like is a goddamn miracle. My husband knows this. Finally realized my husband just doesn’t like me that much. I found him easily and I contacted him. She had a degree in physics from back in the day when women did not go in to physics (the 60's). Being pregnant didn't change our relationship much at all. He even apologized to my husband. Award. For instance, my husband and son were brainstorming business ideas together, I had thought of some good ideas myself and was ready to share just in case. The guy told my husband that he didn’t know at first that I was married but as soon as he found out he contacted my now ex. When he left, I felt like I wasn't worthy of being loved. When I got to my sister, I finally could tell her and the rest of my family about everything. We both work remotely. These are the two ways I act when in this relationship; I don't do this because I want to but instead because I feel as though I have to do this to keep the relationship going. When he saw me he acted like he didn't see me but his fiancee smiled and came towards us. When it’s just us, he is the best husband. I was here some weeks ago, with my original post. Because people gravitate to what they're used to, even if its bad for them. I'm starting to think that I'm a bad person. I started crying and he told me I would get better. When he was mean and cruel, I felt like I must have been in the wrong and was being a bad wife. I [25F] messed up my relationship with my husband [27M]. He really didn't want a open relationship, the wife did. Most importantly forgive yourself first so you can change it and heal. ) A 40 before 40 list which included travel plans, life goals etc. Tired of bullying and being treated badly. When I got married my mother came to me privately and talked about setting aside money as a rainy day/ escape fund if worst came to worst. That she was being selfish. He is applauded whenever he takes the kids out alone. My husband treats me differently when we are with friends or family and it is bothering me quiet a bit. Before my husband left, the ER doctor came in and said I needed immediate surgery. Oct 21, 2022 · If you’re wondering what to do when your husband or wife abandons you or your partner suddenly leaves, turning to family and friends for immediate support can be invaluable. I lied and pretended to be okay for 3 fucking years in front of my therapist. Their unions didn't stand up to the slow infestation of Doc Spock's psychoanalytic bs into their profession. First off, cancel your weekend. He started changing his mind when he realized that it wasn’t a good look, socially. He said he did not hate me, that he wished he could because it would be easier for him. The same works the other way around, so it’s not a one sided gender issue. In the morning I left the divorce papers and my attorney’s number. My mom was a brilliant person. We are married for 3 years with a son [1Y]. AITA for asking my husband if he did anything for Mother’s Day. If you're not no contact already then go full nc, force yourself to engage in social activities or at least spend time with friends/family. I told her I would love to spoil her kids too. • 3 yr. Even if that means feeling this heartache every day For 6 months post the breakup, he didn't get over me and he hurt badly every day when he saw me (same classes). I was passing palm length clots, but they were rope like and about the diameter of somewhere between a nickle and a quater. I made it about myself and turned into myself. I think we tend to idealize when using hindsight. Yet he still came to help me. Telling me to go. And as for mooch, husband makes decent money on his own - OP is just career-focused, whereas he is not. This behavior can erode your self-esteem and cause emotional pain. I tried saying I just wanted to speak to my husband and she laughed and told me She then confronted me and accused me of treating her children badly. My ex-husband ended up alone and miserable because the woman he left me for cheated on him repeatedly. There's a difference between slapping someone in anger, and slapping away a hand that just hurt you. He says, "because you say you've been bleeding 3 months, we'll check your hemoglobin, but I think you're fine. Otherwise, the marriage he is in is a fraud and you will continue to be plagued by guilt. Obviously physically hurting your partner isn't a good thing in either situation, but one is intentional and aimed to hurt, and one is purely defensive. she only used frank as Nov 14, 2016 · The first thing is to reclaim your power. That i broke him in ways he didn't think he could ever fix. com The guilt you feel now is a sign to me that you regret your actions and wouldn't make the same mistakes moving forward, and now that your dog is gone that's really all you can do. He said he hoped i was happy with my decisions, they he hoped both of us were happy and that it cost him everything. My husband admitted that he has been talking badly about me to his friends. Shared or otherwise. I showed them all his conversations and even the pictures he’s taken of me. I left him first. I have become extremely resentful towards my husband of close to 3 years. But this is the case in any country. I was there with my BF (37) and my husband with his fiancée (25-27). I left and I regret it. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (My husband is likely ASPD, and many other people in my life are also cluster B. My husband is in individual therapy (12 years) but I am currently not. To grieve, take care of myself, and I may love again. Dont do that. First when he was fired, then in the SA's office, then when he wasn't made a partner, then all the shit Kalinda put him through, then when they had to merge back with Lockhart and Canning (idek what the names were at that point) and then when Diane Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. Nov 11, 2015 · First off, cancel your weekend. I’m afraid to break my commitment to marriage. 5 years, I love her to my absolute soul, but I feel as if I hurt her way too much and although she'll tell me it's okay, she also told me I was the reason for her to miscarry our child last December and assumed she had another caused because of me. Turns out I had a bad obstruction. But I don’t want to, I don’t want to forget how deeply I love him. I have never met this guy in my life. My husband has admitted, if yet reluctantly because I was on his ass the whole day asking him to tell me the truth, that yes he has been on purpose making me look bad to his A subreddit for the Diana Gabaldon book series and STARZ television show. He put me down so much that it took my now husband many years to reverse the emotional damage. Godspeed. I tried telling him how I was feeling but he just said he needs time to think about everything. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content, and intended for women's perspectives. He left me and our divorce is pending. They’re all pissed at Him. I finally decided that I really should reach out to the husband of my husband’s mistress. Plus, he specifically stated OP could keep everything in the divorce! He clearly is not trying to mooch off of her. I’m f (33) who married my high school sweetheart were married for 5 years. ER doc was a man, he took a look and my vitals were normal. You should tell your husband, and let him make the decision that is in the best interest for himself and his children. Not only did he have to watch, but now I feel awful because I rejected help. In order to make up for the abuse I caused him, he wants me to get plastic surgery and also put the effort to fix the relationship. Things are going really well and he's my best friend. Posts are moderated for respect, equanimity, grace, and relevance. He told me to just go back to my parents. I wallowed instead of trying to fix things. My boyfriend, Mark, and I have been dating for about 15 months. Hi! I was here yesterday and I hope it’s ok that I’m writing here again. I can’t say they treat me badly, but they definitely haven’t treated my husband like they should have through the years and that makes me more upset than anything they could do to me. I’ve known he for 4 years and helped her since then. She does struggle to be left with me in charge. Once the excitement of cheating wore away, they were left with nothing but each other. Maybe there isn't a reason and he's just a dick. He saw me go through traumatic events that shaped my trust and abandonment issues. I don’t want to love someone else. All this led me to be really hateful towards my dad and close to my mother, even struggling financially for a while because he was really well off and refused to send me any money at the time. Maybe he's a victim of abuse from when he was a kid and he's similarly abusing you because that's all he knows. He had broken me down to the point where if he treated me better for a day or two, I felt like I was doing the right things and being a good wife. that I hurt him in ways he never thought i could. So my father in law came to the hospital so I could get a ride home. We get along fine, mostly. When I left my abusive ex I used all the energy that was once spent on him, on myself. He’s hurt and you’re hurt and the only way either of you can heal is if you let him heal and you focus on healing and forgiving yourself and changing what you did wrong. He didn’t believe me at first and was rude about it and It may be that you don’t see the red flags in others, and so you find yourself surrounded by other pathological people. ADMIN MOD. Boyfriend V1. Karma. I’ve had friends get upset that they felt a big difference in how their in-laws treated their spouse vs themselves and I don’t understand that personally Jan 16, 2024 · If your partner, now ex-partner, treated you badly in your relationship, do these 12 things to help you slowly get over them and move on with your life. My 1st husband left me for another woman in college & are living their best life. Wide-Area-6779. Don't let him do that to you. This is a throwaway account. She was not mentally disabled but she was physically disabled. I (37) met my ex husband (45) at the movies last night. 1. There is nothing wrong with your body and there are men out there that will put him to Jan 16, 2024 · If your partner, now ex-partner, treated you badly in your relationship, do these 12 things to help you slowly get over them and move on with your life. He spent the night with me at the hospital and he took me back to my dorm room. If you were married, it wouldn’t necessarily be ‘yours’, it would belong to both of you. I hate my creepy husband and I want a divorce NOW. I want my husband back. It has created some situations for me, though. Spoiler. He was still the caring, loving, compassionate, and empathetic man I fell in love with. I was the one who initiated the divorce when I found out he wasn't being faithful, and However, the bad are usually in the minority, so it’s a minority of women who treat men badly. he was in and out of my life when i was young. ago. However, every time I tried to speak, my husband would get angry and tell me to "stop interrupting". He's attentive, involved, thoughtful, and treats me so so well. I have been married for 4 years together for 7 years. My husband said I probably just had a stomach bug. TL;DR: I treated my bf shittily for 2-and-a-half years. Support. Ultimately, the reason doesn't matter. I don’t want time to fade my memories of us. I see pretty people who have all these friends and partners without even trying. Annie had brought up that it was the piece her mother wore the most. We have discussed this at length. Vent. . The only thing we've ever fought about is some issues with his ex. In April he was on a business trip for a few weeks, while I held down the fort (working remotely while taking care of baby). She wasn't oblivious to the fact he had remained faithful. Therapy really helped me. sylviaplath19. however, he always treated me well. Even the sappy speech he made, I wanted to believe it. I'm okay with that. What I’m about to talk about is one aspect of our We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. EmphasisExisting54. He’s a very good father to our kids and he does an equal amount of housework without me having to ask for help. Also- when i cheated on my husband- the anger and disgust i felt for myself send me into a very dark depression. I had a relationshiptl that was toxic yet, after we broke up, would find myself missing her. My son then told my husband that he he should stop yelling at me. I hate how Claire treated Frank. In the kitchen. It may involve disrespect, unkindness, or even abuse. So, just know he might change his mind about that. I am 33 now, and don't really experience a lot of bullying now, but I definitely get treated differently from everyone else. I didn’t cry because I was sick, I cried because I remembered all the mean things I and my friends said about him. She said I was taking our issues out on her kids. I pushed my husband away. Tl;dr is at end of the post. Husband has an affair. The guy contacted him and he had nudes etc of me on his phone. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. Spend the weekend instead working with your husband to see if your marriage can be salvaged. My (28f) boyfriend (28m) is hung up on how he treated his ex. I was bullied my whole life over my looks (mainly from age 5 to about age 24). My husband stopped being affectionate towards me 2 years ago and I mean zero intimacy. Just to hear his voice. We married pretty young. You visualise meeting him, spending time doing Jan 16, 2024 · If your partner, now ex-partner, treated you badly in your relationship, do these 12 things to help you slowly get over them and move on with your life. Oh same here. So that's good news. Keep your mind busy. My husband (42m) and I (35f) had a son last year, so this is my first Mother’s Day. buy me clothes. He and his ex-wife separated during her pregnancy with their daughter (13) and divorced after she turned 1. " My husband told Annie that it was just one item and she needed to get over it because Amy was entitled to have something too. I don't get the same treatment when I take the kids out alone. And i let my self-hatred over run everything. I asked him if he could spend the night because I wasn’t feeling When I got really bad carpal tunnel towards the end, he would draw me baths (being underwater helped) and give me hand and arm massages for hours. The problem is I now feel super guilty because my ex-best friend had to witness my spiral. I wish you love and light. Unfortunately he doesn't understand what love is. Eventually he left when I was in my late teens and rarely called every now and then because he ‘cares’. I [25F] am WS and my husband [27M] is BS. Also, let the relationship go. He sounded so fed up with me. Start to get yourself ready to meet the right man for you. wh sx hd ft kq lt hs wv kb re